Specifications of Energy Module in Living Systems Integrate Religious Values Againsstudent’s Scientific Literacy - Elvi Kurniasih

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This study aims to analyze the specifications of energy modules in life systems integrating religious values on students’ scientific literacy. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a one- group pretest and posttest, with 40 seventh grade students in a public junior high school as researchsubjects. An instrument to measure the increase in students' scientific literacy by using 25 multiple choice questions. The test is given two times, namely pre test (before learning using modules) and post test (after learning using modules). The data obtained were then analyzed using quantitative descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the application of energy modules in living systems integratingreligious values is effective on the scientific literacy of students based on the average n-gain score of 0.45, which falls into the medium category. The scientific literacy competence of students in this studysequentially from the highest is to explain scientific phenomena with n-gain score 0,58, then interpret data and scientific evidence with n-gain score 0,46, and evaluate and design scientific investigations withn-gain score 0,26. Learning by using this module can improve students’ learning outcomes by makinglearning situations more active so that it is easier to understand the concept of energy in living systems. The research concludes that the application of energy modules in life systems integrating religious values is effective on students’ scientific literacy. Keywords: Module, religious values, scientific literacy