Disaster Preparedness Behavior Based on The Disaster Mitigation and Disaster Preparedness Attitudes of Students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in the City of Bogor - Mila Dospem

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Indonesia is a country prone to natural disasters. Indeed, Indonesia has a geological position which is located at the confluence of three large tectonic plates, namely the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific plate and is located in a series of rings of fire which s 'extend along the Pacific Plate, which is the most active tectonic plate in the world. This causes frequent earthquakes and can cause tidal waves if the plates move in the ocean. Disaster preparedness is something everyone must have, including students. This study aims to obtain information on the relationship between knowledge about disaster mitigation and preparedness attitudes with disaster alert behavior and the factors that influence disaster alert behavior. The population of this study was all students of class XI MIPA MA of the 2018/2019 school year of Bogor City, with a total sample of 357 respondents. The results showed that: 1). There is a positive relationship between knowledge about disaster mitigation and disaster alert behavior with a regression equation Ŷ = 72.02 + 1.30 X1, the value of the correlation coefficient (ry1) = 0.482, and the coefficient of determination (r2 ) = 23.6%. 2) There is a positive relationship between the attitude of disaster preparedness and the behavior of disaster preparedness with the regression equation Ŷ = 35.58 + 0.59 X2, the value of the correlation coefficient (ry2) = 0.421 and the coefficient of determination (r2 ) = 17.749%. 3) There is a positive relationship between knowledge about disaster mitigation and attitude towards disaster preparedness as well as disaster preparedness behavior. Regression equation Ŷ = 39.46 + 1.01 X1+ 0.39 X2 . The value of the correlation coefficient (ry.12) = 0.548 and the coefficient of determination (r2 ) = 29.7%. Keywords: Disaster preparedness behavior, Knowledge of disaster mitigation, Attitude towards disaster preparedness